Saturday, December 14, 2013

Preparing for winter

         With the first few snowfalls of winter I have realized I have not yet prepared for winter. There is more to preparing for winter that just finding winter jackets and hat and mittens. I have already done that along with finding snow shovels and putting a window scraper in my car. I have emptied the lower unit of the boat motor, but have yet to put the boat in the barn. I also need to organize the barn and put all the other summer equipment away like lawnmowers, rakes, and summer fishing rods. The biggest part of getting ready for winter for me is changing my summer fishing equipment into winter equipment. Part of that includes finding, cleaning and fixing the following: the ice fishing rods and reels, the auger, the ice fishing house, the sunflower heater, and buckets. I also need to put away summer rods and reline reels with bad line. The last and most important part is to take all of the jigs, hooks, and spoons that can be used under the ice into a ice fishing tackle box and but equipment I still need.