Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thank you, Ms. Fishel and Ms. Snyder

                Dear Ms. Fishel and Ms. Snyder
My biggest challenge during my time at Marshall was when I had my back surgery. You two helped me more than anyone else at Marshall during this time. You set a schedule easy enough so my back could handle it, while I still got enough time in classes to slowly start catching up in  my classes. We switched sending me to morning or afternoons, and when I did come back full time my schedule was still flexible so I could go to the nurse or go home if my back started hurting too much. If it were not for you slowly working me back into school I do not know how I could have caught up. Obviously all the teachers were also very understanding and helpful so I would like to thank everyone who helped recover from my surgery. Ms. Fishel, you were also very helpful in making sure I continued to reach my graduation requirements, especially my co-curricular activities. Ms. Snyder, you were also very helpful making me feel comfortable coming back into school. It seems like every time my family or I have had any problems you were there to help us through it.

                                                                                                                 Thank you,
                                                                                                                       Chris N.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, it's been our pleasure and privilege to support you and your wonderful family through life's speed bumps. Congratulations on reaching the finish line with the trademark Nordman smile!
